I can hardly believe that it's Thanksgiving this week. Is it just me, or, is time moving in morp speed? I've decorated a little Fall tree on my porch. It might just become my "every" Holiday tree.

I want those that come to my home for Thanksgiving to feel welcome. I'm so grateful to be able to share my bounty. There is some, rather, elevated conversations between me and my kids, about healthy thanksgiving dishes and traditional thanksgiving dishes. I think I just lost you guys. Why didn't I start this healthy stuff 35 years ago.

I am very grateful for wonderful strong children. Who have turned out to be great adults. And who are raising my beautiful grandchildren.

I am grateful to my dear husband who loves us and cares for us all.

I am so grateful for my blogging friends. For all of the excitement, motivation and inspiration that is mine every time I touch a computer button.

The pumpkin is a sign of great harvest, of plenty, of bounty. We are so very blessed. I hope that you all enjoy being with your families and friends. Reminiscing old memories and making new ones. WELL, Fall doesn't last very long does it. This is the most snow we've gotten here in South Jordan since we've been here, 5 years.

I love how white covers the trees and bushes.

There is a house in there somewhere.

I love my porch and I love the trees behind my neighbors house across the street.

I truly miss the Hugh trees in my back yard when I lived in Georgia.