I have wanted to get myself over to this darling shop on Redwood Road in South Jordan, so today was going to be the day. I got in my white car and headed up the street. I took my camera with me because I was hoping she wouldn't mind if I took some pictures. When I told her about White Wednesday and I wanted her to be my blog of the week, she said, Oh, of course. The stores name is LAVENDER HOUSE. It's a darling old house full of refinished furniture, and everything you would need in a cozy comfy home. There were cute tables, cupboards, cabinets, shelves, chairs, suit cases, lots of white dishes, Crystal, white linen, bottles, pillows galore - a big long white chenille one, baskets, picture frames, mirrors, oh my gosh, there is sooo much. There is a pink room, everything is pink. A blue corner where everything is blue. There was a beautiful white bowl hanging from a lovely wide ribbon that I loved. A little bird caught my heart, I almost bought him, he looked like he was carved out of wood. Then of course, a welcome sign.
Now is a great time to go in. They are having a 40% off sale. Only please don't buy that old metal outdoor chair. I want it!
You didn't think that after looking at all of her treasures I would only find one (metal chair) that had my name on it did you. NOPE your right, I found 2 more things a beautiful- white-milk glass-square-dish with a lid. I've filled it with special buttons. The darling shop owner is holding my other find. A pair of shutters, I am going to paint them and use them in my sewing/blogging room. Ya know, I didn't even ask her what her name was but she is go cute, I'll just call her LAVENDER HOUSE.
Well, it was a great morning and I had great fun checking out this shop. Have a white day.