I would like to introduce to you my new friend. A friend is, someone that loves you for who you are, someone that is always there for you, someone that helps you up when you are down, someone that tells you like it is, someone that you just love being with all the time. This little tiger was a gift from my cute husband after my surgery. He thinks we're all his little tigers and we can handle everything. For the most part, he's right. He always tells us, "we're the best, number one, play to win". We don't want to disappoint him.

I would also like you to meet my favorite daughter named JoDell and my favorite son named Clint. They were waiting for me at the hospital when I got there. Their presence kept me as calm as a cucumber.
I got to the new Riverton Hospital at 7:45 am on Friday morning. I swear, I was the only patient in the whole hospital. Everything was wonderful, beautiful, clean, spacious, building. Lots of attention, I didn't even know what happened. I remember saying goodbye to my family and sliding over onto the operating table and saying, "wow, it's cold in here". Then I remember waking up in recovery wondering, wow, where am I. Then I was immediately taken to my room where my family was. Dr. Davis had spoken to my family and they told me. The tumor had grown, facing up, on the one half of the Thyroid. That half of the Thyroid was removed and it was 99% benign. An exam of each cell will be completed before they will say for sure. I should hear tomorrow. Now it's just recovery. I'm doing very well.

I wanted to share this view with you. It's looking out of my window. It sure doesn't do it justice. It was in the morning and I was looking at the Oquirrh Mountains. I couldn't have been in a nicer place, with any nicer people or a better Doctor. I am so very grateful to have found this lump and to have had it removed so efficiently.

OK then, this is me after surgery. I guess I will be the entertainment for the next few days. I'm grateful to be an empty Nester, I can just take it very slow.
Until we meet again. I'll know I'm better when I start thinking about all of the projects I have yet to finish.