I am so excited to be talking to you right now, about something that has taken a hold of my life and focused it towards health instead of sickness. 11 years ago, I had my second accident that caused me some pretty bad head trauma. Dealing with that, anxiety set in, and I agreed to a medication that would control the anxiety. Well 10 years later, I had gained 129 lbs. When my doctor ask me why I had gained so much weight, I just pointed to one of the side effects of the medication, "you don't care". Well, it did a great job all right, I was so much calmer and I didn't have those terrible attacks anymore. In fact, I was very chilled about most things. "I didn't care".
When I was 14 years old I was in my first accident. I had been hit by a speeding car. I was crossing the street and had fallen, and therefore my head came in contact with the car. Needless to say, I suffered head trauma then too. Well, each time one suffers head trauma it gets worse. One day, if this continues, it will kill me. And I am very grateful to be here still.
As I gained weight my back problems from my first accident got worse. My knees got bad, my hips hurt. I couldn't stand for 10 minutes at a time. My fear of falling got worse, because I did keep falling. I couldn't play with my grandchildren any more. I couldn't get up, it was hard to get down. I gave up buying anything pretty or fun. I didn't smile or laugh much anymore. I was very unhappy. I endured it though, I kept pushing and praying.
One day I received a flyer in the mail for a new chiropractor in my area that had a defusing machine. That machine really caught my eye, I had a feeling come over me.
One year later I was in so much pain I didn't want to even get up in the morning. I slept all the time. My family became so worried and they pushed me, Kinda like I must have pushed them when they were younger. It was killing me. One day,I was sitting at my desk, in tears and a feeling came over me. I remembered that machine and that chiropractor. Ya know, I still had that flyer, amazing that I did because I throw everything away. I called the number immediately and made an appointment.
The tears of pain could not be controlled at this point. I told him I was sorry, but did he think that he could help me? He took some exrays and said, "yes, you are the exact person that needs this machine". In fact you've come in just in time. A little while longer and I couldn't help you at all.
I must admit that I didn't have much faith in the outcome, but, I had allot of faith in the feelings that lead me here. And, I don't know, but, I was feeling allot of faith growing in Dr. Smith.
17 treatments is what it was going to take. The treatments were twice a week. It was the 4th week and I could fill a slight difference. Both in the treatment itself and in my movement afterwards. I prayed to hold on to that difference. The next treatment there was another slight difference. This continued for the rest of the treatments. Then I was told that I was done with the treatments, I wanted to scream, "No I can't be done, I'm feeling better and I don't want it to quit".
Dr Smith was a Health Coach for Medifast. I had been reading the material at times during my visits. I couldn't even consider making this change. I was recovering from so much pain. Dr. Smith said something that stuck with me. He said, "Cindy, I've done all I can do, to this point". However, I can continue to help, but you've got to do something too.
I think it took me a month to realize that I really wasn't in pain anymore. I also realized that I had developed some terrible habits that I had to break. I'm grateful to say, that I knew I was going to be able to do it.
Another month of changing some habits and gaining the faith I needed to move forward, I returned to Dr. Smith's office and ask to join Medifast. That was a week before thanksgiving in Nov. of 2009.
I guess I should be ashamed to tell you this, but I'm not, not after all I've been through, I as carrying 279 lbs on my 5'3" frame. I was 150 lbs at the time of the second accident, 114 lbs at the time of the first accident. It is now June of 2010, and I am 219 lbs.
I am going to share with you the rest of the story. But let me just do this little happy dance and tell you that I am now a Medifast Health Coach and I can help you. Let's get healthy together!