I'm adding this pic to my bloggers party because I wanted it in the pictures but didn't have it done. I've combined vintage with modern and my contemporary design. I LOVE IT! I found this old chair. Cleaned it up, took the seat off, pulled off the fabric, sray painted the chair and covered the seat. OH YEA.........

Yea, it's party day at Karen's. I'm going to try and visit every one. Let me show you where I love to work. I have so many more ideas for this room. It will keep me busy this next year.

Thanks to Karen, I now know how to comment after each picture.

Karen is creating me a new blog. It's soooooo awesome, come visit it. It's on my side bar.

You will see many projects lined up to be done on these shelves. Busy, Busy.

Actually, this cute pen and tiny perfume bottle go with a drawing gift. They need to get mailed.

This was so easy to make. I keep all the sweet cards I get from wonderful blogger friends in it.

I have only one milk glass plate.

Every artist should have an apron, don't ya think? I think I'll make aprons for my drawings this year.

After looking at this pic, I see that I should put the letters G A R B A G E on this big plastic bucket I found at Harmons georcery store.

I love to use this tea died seam binding from Just a bed of Roses.

This is a wool pin cusion, I got it in Midway. My granddaughter Kacie wants all of the pins to be grouped according to color. I try - believe me.

I couldn't pass this up at Hobby Lobby. It's so true!

Aweeeeeee! What would be do without a computer. I just upgraded so I'll be a little faster. Maybe not any better, but at least faster.

I believe this mirror came from Just a bed of Rose's.

This was another fun find. Actually I was given this wire shelf free. I saw such potential in it. Sure enough, a can of spray paint and hang it on the wall. What a wonderful place for my treasures.

You can't see the pictures on the back of the wall very well. They are some black and white pencil drawings. I got them in Ecuador. This next year I will have them framed.

I am so grateful to have this whole room to use. I can even fill the closet. Target has some wonderful stackable drawers.

Grandma Allreds sewing machine. I've never used it, but her buttons and things are still in the drawers.

My father made these quilt stands for me. They stand all in one. Easy to carry.

I've known for a long time what I wanted to do with this window. I even made the banner 5 months ago. I haven't found the antique sheers I want though, so I made just a simple cotton panel.

These eight little toe head children are my favorite project. I love how the green trees in the back ground look with the green desk.

I found apple green and blue plastic tubs at Harmons. I thought they would be great to put my different projects in and place them around the back of the tables. This green desk if my very favorite find of the whole year. She's very antique and in great shape. She came from Aunt Elsie's. I have placed a few of the projects that I have yet to make on her.

A year ago I had taken all of the donations, that I kept on my tables, to the orphanages in Equador. After visiting Karens Blogger party I decided to turn the room into a sewing room. I found these simple white shelves at Target and I like how they worked for me at the back of the tables, so, I just kept buying them.

Milk Glass, some of it you can put to work holding things, other pieces just have to look pretty.

I am so excited to visit all of you at the party. I hope you all have had as much fun as I have getting ready for today. I am already starting to think of things to do for next year.
I've decided to change my rooms name from Sewing room, to Studio. My cute hubby likes that better. I figure that if that's all I have to do for him today, that's not too bad.
SO, WELCOME TO MY STUDIO! I found so many wonderful treasures to use in this room. The last thing I added was two more shelves and I spread everything out. WOOPS, now I feel a little bare. Oh well, I'll just have to go treasure hunting again this next year. My granddaughters have helped me get ready for the party. They each love to create in the Studio. You might have noticed the metal H and K, Hannah and Kacie.