You might remember that I said that I had an extra bedroom that I'm re-doing in all Vintage. I'm calling the room, "Grandma's Room" because I have several things of my grandmothers that will be in there.
I want to end up with an awesome vintage room. I'm almost sure that I can't accomplish that by myself.
You can see the above pictures of the room. Thing will get refinished and painted. The walls are a soft Tan with white trim and doors, they will stay the same. I am in the process of choosing different whites. The accent colors are, lime green and pink.
So far, their is a twin head board and foot board; a table/vanity; a wall mirror; a chair, a small corner shelf, a small table mirror, a lime green quilt (new), a hand crocheted ecru spread, grandma's jewelry box - aprons - old picture of her and a shadow box with her special things in it, and a new tea set that's lime green, white and pink. Allot of this stuff came from Aunt Elsie's antic shop.
I would love to hear your suggestions as I go!