When I go to my favorite vintage shop to meet a friend and look for treasures, I know that I will have so much fun and that I will be inspired by the beautiful art that surrounds me. More then that happened to me yesterday. I want to share with you my experience because this is the time of year that much is given and much if received. If we are lucky, something special happens, to let us know that God is the Father of us all and his son, was indeed, born that Christmas morn in a little town in Bethlehem.
I was meeting a wonderful friend, named Mimi Sue, in one of those special shops, called 'Just A Bed Of Roses'. As I entered the store I saw Brenda the shop owner. Brenda is always so sweet and helpful when I'm there, she and I share a warped sense of hummer so we see hummer in everything and we always have fun. Mimi came in the door and now we're all having fun. As I stand and take in all of the talent and beauty of things I began feeling chills run up my arms. I listened, first with my ears, then with my heart. I could feel love and strength. I was being touched deep down, in my soul. The shop was filled with a tender, yet strong, voice. I felt so happy and secure, I felt grateful for being me and receiving this special gift. Tears fell and I hugged Mimi. We both knew that we were hearing something very special and that we wanted to take that voice home with us. Susan Boyle was the voice behind the gift and Brenda opened her heart and shop to let it pass through, but it was God that whispered to my heart what I needed to hear. That Christ was born of Mary a long time ago. He lived to bring us the message of our Father in Heaven and he died to give us life eternal.
Thank you 'Brenda' for your open heart.
Thank you 'Mimi' for your true friendship.
Thank you 'Susan' for being who you are.
Thank you 'Father' for your continued love.