WOW! IT'S COLD OUTSIDE. It's a great day to just stay in and work in my sewing room.
I couldn't do it though, not until I made a run to Tiepan.
I thought I'd show you some of my sweet finds this week and a little of what I've acomplished.
There are a couple of my blogging friends that love to work with these glass dome things. I'm sorry I can't remember what their called. I think that they are just such a perfect peace of beauty. For Christmas this year I want to do allot with glass, so, what better way to decorated my mantal and bar and table then with these dome things and apothacary jars in all sizes. I bought some of "Just a Bed of Roses" vintage rose ribbon, in a luchious brown and french blue. I made a tiny pillow with a carmal ribbon to go under the dome.
I was visiting Tuesday Morning and I found a box of these fun white buttons, their so unique. I also saw these black buttons. I couldn't control myself, I had to have them.
And look at these adorable salt and peper shakers from Just a bed of Roses. Brenda had them hiding behind her at the counter. I want to find some German Glass Crystel to put in them.
I found this fun dresser bowl at Aunt Elsies and I don't think I showed you. It hold's the thread's that I use most.
And of course, this white cup with black initials on it. It's "C" for Cindy.
I really enjoy preparing for White Wednesday and I also enjoy visiting all of the blogs over at Faded Charm, and leaving little comments. Everyone is so talented. Go over and check them out.