If I can remember correctly we are suppose to blog about a cozy spot that we love. I am so excited to visit everyone. Everybody is so amazingly talented.
Mine might not be what you expect but believe me when I tell you that this truly is a most comfortable and comforting spot for me. The foundation that I serve with is called Todos Los Ninos, this means All the children. We recently helped build a new orphanage in Cuenca Ecuador. The first time I traveled to Ecuador my purpose was to see how I could help the children that would be living in the new orphanage. There were about 10 children that had been placed in our new orphanage "Los Pequnetos", and 40 more would be welcome. We had rented a couple of rooms in one of the other orphanages while the new building was built.
During my stay I visited 8 different orphanages and I visited about 300 children. All of them had brown eyes and dark hair. All of them were as in need as the 10 that had been placed in Los Pequnetos.
My vision changed, I no longer wanted to prepare for only the new orphanage, but I wanted to help ALL the children. When I go back to Ecuador I feel at home. The homes of the children are far from beautiful but the children are all very beautiful and they turn me into jelly and they touch me as nothing else can. With the help of volunteers, both living there and helping, and donations, these children are being taken care of. If you wish to help, contact me.
The picture below was taken in the plane while I was looking out the window at a volcano that had blown a couple days before. My camera didn't pick up the steam coming out of the mountain.